Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Am I my brother’s keeper? This question intrigues me. In the society I find myself, it appears the message is to think of oneself above all else – let everyone else find their own way. How does a hurting person find their way?

One story in the Bible blesses me very time I read it. It’s the story about a paralyzed man’s friends. These four friends heard about Jesus healing the sick and decided they wanted to take their friend to Him. The four of them carried the paralyzed man. When they arrived at the home where Jesus was, they were unable to get him in because there were too many people in the way. I can just see these friends looking at the paralyzed man saying, ‘Don’t you worry, we’re going to get you to Him no matter what it takes.’ They made a hole in the roof of the house and let the man down to be healed by Jesus. What great friends. We’ll get you there- was the only thing they had on their minds. This scripture reference is found in the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark.

I have friends like that. My friend wanted to get me help so much she took me to a Bible study in the basement of the home of a man of God that prayed for me. My life was saved and changed. Do you have friends like that? Are you a friend like that?

Another of my favorite scripture references is in Nehemiah 4:14 which says, ‘when Nehemiah saw their fear, he stood and said to everyone –  “Do not be afraid ….. confidently remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and with courage from Him fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and for your homes.” ‘ Fight for them. Fight for the ones your know – the ones struggling with addiction, depression, heartache, loneliness, eating disorders, and all other struggles. You may be the only one fighting for them – along with the Savior, of course. 

Yes, I think we are our brothers’ keepers. Also in the Bible, in Esther- 8.6, it tells us Esther saw her people were in danger and she expressed, “How can I bear to see disaster fall on my people? How can I bear to see the destruction of my family?”

Do you feel at a loss? Do our prayers work for others who are not praying for themselves? I say, “Yes.” Prayer is the mystery of Christianity. We are commanded to pray. The Word of God assures us that, “the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5.16. Also, we see in Daniel, chapter 9, that Daniel prayed for his country- a country NOT praying for itself. We can make a difference.

I don’t know everyone and I don’t know everyone’s struggle, but my prayer is for you struggling one- is for hope and help, for you to know God and loved ones are with you and care and for others of you to hold the hand of everyone you know is struggling and walk with them, care for them, love them. For you to pray for them to be free of the struggles they face and find hope and healing. Don’t worry about the perfect words or anything, God wants this for them, so these prayers will be answered. His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

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