Not Trifle

I have a very good friend who has a Bible marked just like the one in this blog today. I remember when I first saw it, I wondered how she managed to circle and underline every single verse with a different color and still manage to find a verse she wanted to find. Some should ‘highlight’ their ‘highlights!’ (chuckle)

The person who owns this Bible not only circled and underlined and highlighted verses, they added notes in the margins – to emphasize the amazing Words of the Living God. I am impressed.

This little picture and my friend’s Bible show me how special the Word of God is to some people. Every time they find a verse it thrills their heart and they are compelled to make it stand out. I have highlighted many areas in my Bible as well – perhaps not as much as some others – but I do hold so many scriptures close to my heart. I read one Bible so much it was in about 17 sections and I still have all the parts and pieces, but was teased about the condition of that Bible for many years as I brought it with me wherever I went.

This year I decided to read through the entire Bible in one year. Yeah! But not always. I find myself rushing through some chapters because it has become ‘just another thing on my already overbooked list’ of things to do. I have apologized to God for taking my Bible reading time so lightly and each time I open my Bible, I pray for Him to show me something new and wonderful in His Word  – something to underline and highlight.

I love the Words in Deuteronomy 32.46-47 that tell me to “set your [minds and] hearts on all the words which I command you this day, that you may command them to your children, that they may be watchful to do all the words of this law. For it is not an empty and worthless trifle for you; it is your [very] life…” God’s Word is not trifle, it is my very life. I truly believe this.

I know we all know the familiar Word – “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.” – Psalm 119.105. God’s Word has the answers to everything we need today and every day.

John 1.1,14 tell me “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…. the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” There are three that bear record in heaven – the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit; and these are One.” (1 John 5.7)

Matthew 24.35 also reminds me that Jesus said “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away.”
The Word of God is not trifle, it is our very life! Jesus is the Word. I love the Word.
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