I always have at least one person on my list that I never know what present to buy them for Christmas. This person seems to have everything they need and I joke about just getting them ‘more of everything they already have.’ But, the challenge continues each year.
I am blessed and have been given much by God. I do not give Him Christmas gifts, but if I did, I feel stumped. I ask myself, ‘What can I give God?’ Many wonder why I would ask that because usually He is the Giver of all good things. (James 1.17). And, the Word tells us that ‘the Earth is the Lord’s and everything that’s in it’ (Psalm 24.1) and that ‘He owns all the cattle on a thousand hills.’ (Psalm 50.10)
So, God really is the One Being that has everything. He does not need anything. To be honest, I never think I have anything that could be good enough to give to God. I have flaws and failures and broken dreams and futile attempts at walking the line most days. What could I possibly give to the God of the Universe that would matter?
But, that being said, there is something He really wants us to give Him. When I was a young girl being pursued by the Living God, I heard Him speak to my heart one night. He said, “Give me your heart.” I was frightened because I did not know Who He was or What He was and did not realize I could trust Him and I did not realize how much He loved me and wanted great things for me.
It took me about one year of being pursued by God to want to give Him my heart as He asks us to do in Proverbs 23.26. I feel this it the ultimate gift that gives the Father pleasure – to have us be His children – to have His sheep know His voice, follow Him, and trust Him with their hearts and lives and everything every day. He treasures the gift of our hearts. It’s not what He needs, it’s what He wants.
I recently learned that the composer (Hugh Martin) of ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ also had these words to that tune —
Have yourself a blessed little Christmas
Christ the King is born
Let your voices ring upon this happy morn
Have yourself a blessed little Christmas
Serenade the Earth
Tell the world we celebrate the Savior’s birth
Let us all proclaim the joyous tidings
Voices raised on high
Send this carol soaring up into the sky,
This very merry blessed Christmas lullaby.
Let us gather to sing to Him
And to bring to Him our praise
Son of God and a Friend of all
To the end of all our days
Sings hosannas, hymns, and hallelujahs
As to Him we bow
Make the music mighty as the heav’ns allow
And have yourself a blessed little Christmas now.
He is a great God! Have yourselves a Blessed and Merry Little Christmas everyone!
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