Just finished a phone call with a cherished client. She has an appointment to see me in the veterinary office in two days. She tells me she’s looking forward. When I asked how her Rufus is, she responded, “He is lovely. I look at him and he is always fabulous to me. I have been so blessed to have him and Bumbles in my life.” Bumbles is her other lovely pet.
I was touched by her words because Rufus is struggling. She loves him. She doesn’t see him in a negative light. His liver is hurting and he is losing weight. His owner and I do not know why his liver is struggling, but we know it is. Testing can be costly and may only lead to answers and not solutions. He gives the best kisses, though. He is happy and when he wags his stump of a tail in the office, his entire body shakes. Rufus is one of those pets you wish you could give tons more years of happiness to their owner.
There are times for puppies – many will be added to lucky families this season and through the New Year. And then, sometimes, there is cherishing every day being spent with a beloved pet as time goes by. Cherish the moments they greet us and love us and keep us company. Another client is just trying to have their kitty through the holidays. I am hoping the same for them.
I have been there. I suppose many of us have – not only with our pets, but our loved ones. It’s true, we look at our loved ones – like our pets- through our biased hearts. I know the people I love in life always look superb to me and I want others to think they are wonderful as well. I want them to know I will love them perfect or imperfect- it matters no difference to me, I see them as valuable and lovable and worthy.
Additional family members are not with us this Christmas and it is a challenge to continue to enjoy the season sometimes. I want to cherish the ones I have still with me and celebrate a Baby born for all of us. I hope the same for all of you.
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